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Showing posts from September, 2024
THE OBJECTIVE OF SHARI’AH: (MAQASHID SHARI’AH) IN INHERITANCE: ANALYSIS OF INSURANCE NOMINATION PRACTICES IN SINGAPORE Suhaimi Mustar Nasrul Hisyam Nor Muhamad ABSTRACT Many researches have been done to explain the role of maqasid Shari'ah in inheritance. Although the literature covers a wide variety of such frameworks, this review will focus on five major themes which emerge repeatedly throughout the literature reviewed. These themes are: maqasid Shari'ah, social responsibility in inheritance in Islam, insurance nomination and it's relation to the theory of the maqashid, wealth protection, fair and transparency is an essential component of the Islamic inheritance management. Although the literature represents these themes, this paper will primarily focus on the application of maqashid in insurance nomination practices in Singapore context for the wellbeing of the community and the Ummah, paving the way to achieve the righteous Islamic purpose. Keywords: Maqasid Sha...
  TEMA “IHASAN ASAS WASATIYAH” TAJUK “PENGURIUSAN MASJID SEBAGAI PUSAT KOMUNITI DI SINGAPURA” USTAZ DR. SUHAIMI BIN MUSTAR ABSTRAK: Sejak masjid al-Nabawi dibangunkan di zaman Nabi s.a.w., ia menjadi tempat tumpuan orang ramai sama ada datang untuk tujuan ibadah, menuntut ilmu, melakukan kegiatan sosial atau berbincang mengenai soal pemerintahan negara. Dengan lain perkataan, masjid sebagai Pusat Sehenti (One Stop Centre). Namun, setelah beberapa abad berlalu, peranan masjid semakin sempit dan fungsinya semakin mengecil di beberapa tempat, seperti terhad kepada tempat solat lima waktu, solat Jumaat dan dua Hari Raya sahaja. Mungkin disebabkan faktor ekonomi, politik, sosial dan sebagainya yang menghambat kemajuan masjid dari sudut pengisian dan pentadbiran. Oleh itu, kegemilangan institusi masjid perlu dikembalikan semula dengan mengambil kira keperluan masyarakat yang berubah-ubah dari masa ke semasa, selari dengan peredaran masa dan tempat. Keutamaan perlu diberikan kepada pemba...